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What's up with Sudan?

Never a Dull Day on This Planet

A must read: Is There A Save Darfur Industrial Complex?

"That intervention is going to happen" [ie, whoever wins the 2004 election, Bush or Kerry, will eventually lead a coalition of the willing into Sudan] - architects of phony war-on-Iraq, otherwise known as the neo-cons who run our foreign policy. See PNAC statement 

"... due to the threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States posed by the pervasive role played by the Government of Sudan in the petroleum and petrochemical industries in Sudan" ... I hereby order ... ~ Dubya, in Executive Order: Blocking Property of and Prohibiting Transactions with the Government of Sudan

Sudan is a country with a per capita GDP of less that $2500 per year whose people have already been hurt by US sanctions and boycotts. The US has starved Sudan with sanctions, instigated the civil wars in Sudan, armed the rebels, and then blamed the Sudanese government for all the deaths (whether by violence or famine or disease) and called it genocide

The Anti-Sudan propaganda campaign that is primarily organized and funded by zionist groups (especially the JCRC / CJP) is incredibly offensive. They are demonizing the government and people of the largest country in Africa. The US has starved Sudan with sanctions, instigated the civil wars in Sudan, armed the rebels, and then blamed the Sudanese government for all the deaths (whether by  violence or famine or disease) and called it genocide. Meanwhile the US has sponsored a war in Congo in which millions of people have  died, and no one is talking about that - there are no Muslims to demonize and falsely blame in Congo. The US has definitely committed genocide in Iraq, and is supporting a genocidal colonial settler regime in Palestine. The Sudanese government opposes the US war against Iraq and the US/Israeli oppression of the Palestinians. A Sudan  divestment campaign is aimed primarily at the Chinese oil company trying to stop China from obtaining oil from Sudan. The US already cut China off from Iraqi oil by invading Iraq. 

Watch or read the transcript

Mahmood Mamdani on Darfur: "The Politics of Naming: Genocide, Civil War, Insurgency"    
Monday, June 4th, 2007

"As President Bush orders news sanctions to be placed on the Sudanese government, Columbia Professor Mahmood Mamdani discusses how the media and the Save Darfur Coalition has been misrepresenting the situation in Darfur..." [includes rush transcript]

Mamood Mamdani interview in the Boston Globe, March 22, 2009: "Politics and Humanitarianism"  (photo at right)

Review: Mamdani spach at Harvard, April 2, 2009 ~Joachim, at

April 2, 2009, Cambridge, MA -- Columbia Professor Mahmood Mamdani, whose new book Saviors and Survivors has been just released, discussed his understanding of Darfur's local, national Sudanese, American, and international politics.

Mamdani began to look at the issue of Darfur in 2003 and was struck by the rapid globalization and the fact-indifference of the SaveDarfur movement, which consistently misrepresented the facts in a media blitz. For example, according to WHO the death toll was 50-70,000 while SaveDarfur claimed 400,000. SaveDarfur ignored drought and desertification, which were probably responsible for 70% of the mortality. A legitimate debate would ask how many could have been saved by timely assistance to the Darfuri population.

The Darfur Cause is a dangerous form of feel-good politics, which must be challenged because of the damage in does in both the USA and also the Sudan, which respectively require rational foreign policy and political reform more than either country needs a morality drama.

Sudan and Darfur Blog Entry List:

Suggested reading

The "Policy Wonks" Behind Covert Warfare & Humanitarian Fascism ~ Keith Harmon Snow

Imperialist/zionist intervention in Sudan; a brief synopsis - by David Rolde
[material for a flyer, protesting a talk on May 19, 2010 at Harvard, by Gloria White-Hammond & Liz Walker]

Darfur aid dollars funding West Bank settlements - by Thomas C. Mountain, 
Online Journal Contributing Writer, Mar 19, 2010

Women in Darfur: "We Saw No Evidence of Genocide" - by Afshin Rattansi, June 1, 2009

The Importance of Darfur to the Jewish Community - by Joachim Martillo

The US role in Darfur, Sudan - by Sara Flounders

Why Sudan rejects UN troops - by Sara Flounders 

United States Terrorism in the Sudan - by Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed 
Has very good background info about US intervention in Sudan in the 90s 

Hear forum audio at Traprock Peace: Darfur: an open discussion on intervention, regime change & the politics of genocide; this was a good forum on Sudan at Smith College, July 2006. See this article summarizing the forum. 

Sudan: Save Dafur? - by Keith Harmon Snow

Assessments of Allegations - at ESPAC (the European Sudanese Public Affairs Council) 

What Concerned Citizens Should Know about the Crisis in Darfur - by El-Hajj Mauri’ Saalakhan of The Peace and Justice Foundation, A Muslim American anti-war organization

Target Sudan: What's Really Behind the Crisis in Dafur? and lots more at this site

Green-Rainbow Party Statement on U.S. Imperialism and Sudan, November 2004

Darfur, imperialist intervention and anti-Arab hysteria - by Eugene Puryear
(for more at this site, search for Sudan or Darfur)

US imperialists increase efforts to recolonize Sudan - by Natividad Carrera
(quotes George Bush as saying The pervasive role played by the government of Sudan in Sudan's petroleum and petrochemical industries  threatens U.S. national security and foreign policy interests)

The Politics of Naming: Genocide, Civil War, Insurgency - by Mahmood Mamdani  

Video: Darfur, Sudan: Seeking The Truth - with Louis Farrakhan

Myths About the Arab Slave Trade - by Owen ‘Alik Shahadah

Darfur Truth Report - at
"Who is behind the campaign and what actions are they calling for?
Even a cursory look at the supporters of the campaign shows the prominent role of right-wing evangelical Christians and major Zionist groups to “Save Darfur.”
The Executive Committee of SAVE DARFUR:  scroll down the page to see list

UN Peacekeeping Paramilitarism - by Steve Lendman

An Interview with Sudanese Compatriot Ismail Kamal - at IndyMedia, May, 2006

Stop the US and Zionist War Against Sudan - by David Rolde

While World Capitalists Spend Trillions of Dollars on their Wanton Wars, Hunger Kills 18,000 Children Each Day" - by Hassan El-Najjar

From Yugoslavia to Iraq to Sudan - at Workers World

Darfur Diplomacy: Enter the Contractors - by Pratap Chatterjee

SUDAN: U.S. Contractors to Support African Forces - by Nick Simeone


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