Zionist lies, spies,
and provocateurs - Boston area
Seva Brodsky
zionist agent provocateur Brodsky sends
email [popup]!
Be aware of this trouble
maker, and his fellow provocateur
(next entry below, in the green
T-shirt). These two are
understood to be professional
provocateurs trained in inciting
violence, with the intention of
getting members of the justice
community in trouble with the
police. At one rally they were
asking police to arrest
protesters at an anti-Israeli
See pop-up
photo of these two together.
According to zionist websites,
Brodsky "grew up in Moscow
and immigrated to the United
States in 1981. He received his
BS and MS degrees in electrical
engineering from the University
of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
and Northeastern University in
Boston, respectively."
[So he's gotten zionist websites
to claim - all over the Internet;
he lies about so much else, one
must wonder.]
"He is currently a
student at the New England School
of Law in Boston. Brodsky was/is
actively involved in the struggle
against divestment in
"Follower of Milton
(Is he perhaps related to
Phillip Brodsky, of The David
This guy is as
fast and loose with the truth as
they come. Our legal system will
be in more trouble than it
already is if they give this
creep a law degree. Above,
his cleaned-up image as he
appeared on Fox TV.
He runs around at anti-Israeli
protests with a video camera and
then distributes the videos with
wholly distorted or manufactured
'coverage' to right-wing,
lunatic, zionist websites; he
even got himself on FOX TV to
spew his lies - to the absolute
delight of Sean Hannerty.
This is how you will see
him on the streets:
An emailer says: Someone
bearing a likeness to Brodsky was
at Cambridge Common the day
[activists] were arrested for
"trespassing" on public
property. He appeared as a peace
Brodsky's partner
in grime.
See pop-up
photo of these two together. I've
seen this guy's provocations
tolerated by Boston police.
See Photo
gallery, July 12th, 2006.
He's the one referred to in this
"One big bruiser stopped
his car in the middle of the
street (his 'girls' stayed put
inside) and exited it to scream Israel
at the top of his lungs. He
pumped up his chest, made like an
ape and went on a rampage. The
cops didn't seem to mind his
antics in the least. He carried
on for several minutes. If one of
us so much as moved a toe beyond
where the cops didn't want us to
be, we were promptly threatened.
How sweet it must be to have the
city of Boston in your pocket,
along with the US congress and
the rest of the cabal in
you know his name, please send
it to us. Thanks!
SB look-alike
This subject was at Park
Street Station on September 28,
2006, the day [an activist] was
framed for wiretapping on the
common by MBTA Police. The
subject is on tape saying
"Cut you up! Cut you
up!" to an activist who was
recording the rally.
Who is THIS guy?
He's panicked over the work of SDP. He
assaulted me at Davis Square. I
was there to hand out literature
on Somerville's ballot questions
5 & 6; he didn't want that
to happen. He jabbed me in the
chest, and circled around me
screaming out that i told lies on
a website (a site i have nothing
whatsoever to do with, and which
BTW doesn't lie, unlike the sites
of his fanatical cronies).
Charles Jacobs
"A Polish immigrant armed
with only a BA from Rutgers and a
Masters in Education from Harvard
has proven exceptionally
effective in manipulating the US
government and major American
institutions into following
policy blueprints created by his
Israel advocacy organization, the
David Project.
Charles Jacobs, like Charles
Krauthammer and Richard Perle,
obtains speaking engagements
through a PR firm called Benador
Associates, which specializes in
pro-Israel campus events focusing
on Islam and terrorism." see
Who is
Charles Jacobs
president of the David Project. |
Who is THIS guy?
Another creep who arrived at
Andover High School, January '07,
to disrupt Mazin Qumsiyeh's talk
for Wheels of Justice. See Shame in Andover
at Scoop.co.nz
Doesn't he look a bit like
Daniel Pipes? (below)
Daniel Pipes,
founder and director of the
Middle East Forum and Campus
Watch, and a former member of the
board of the US Institute of
Peace !! !!
Claims that Islamism is
incompatible with democracy,
freedom, multiculturalism, and
other human rights values.
!! Says the only path to
Middle East peace will come
through a total Israeli military
Kolodner was named
as a defendant in a lawsuit filed
in Boston by the Islamic Society,
for libel. Leaders of
the Islamic Society of Boston
broadened their defamation suit
yesterday in Suffolk Superior
Court to add conspiracy charges
against a group of journalists
and scholars who the Muslim
leaders allege sought to ruin the
reputations of the society and
its leaders and prevent
construction of a major mosque in
Boston. ~ Boston Globe,
11/01/05 Follow-up article
11/02/06 at First Amendment
Anna Kolodner
of the David Project; currently
Director of (mis-)Education. Also
attended the Andover event,
January '07, and libeled and
demonized Wheels of Justice on
Fox25 News. 
Pam Lebowitz,
another zionist; organized local
zionists to disrupt Mazin's talk
at Andover, January '07, and
vilified Wheels of Justice on
Fox25 News. See story at JusticeWheels.org
Andover attorney and
Who is THIS guy?
This creep focused his camera on
me at the march on the Pentagon,
March 17, 2007. I was carrying a
Palestinian flag. He was
obviously "profiling
me." |
Jonathan Kappel,
of the Boston ADL (a 1996
graduate of the ADL Leadership
Institute). Also, 1st Vice
President of Temple Beth Shalom,
Needham. Also a director of
development at Clark University. |
He's written for Campus Watch;
headed by anti-Arab propagandist
Daniel Pipes, it
seriously 'monitors' (skews)
Middle East studies on college
campuses. Kristine McNeil in The War on
Academic Freedom has this
to say: In attempting to smear
dozens of "unpatriotic"
professors, the organization laid
the foundation for the Middle
East Forum's recent blacklisting
project, Campus Watch--a website
that hopes to do for students and
professors what Project TIPS
would have done for mail carriers
and plumbers. ... Campus
Watch unleashed an Internet
firestorm ... when it posted
"dossiers" on eight
scholars who have had the
audacity to criticize US foreign
policy and the Israeli
occupation. |
Gould-Wartofsky, zionist, at
Harvard, up from New York. Trolls
the internet as shadowboxer.
His blog is Left Unsaid,
which promotes HDAG [Harvard
Darfur Action Group] - a tool for
anti-Arab zionist propaganda.
Shadowboxer is a founder of
Student Labor Action Movement
B Adelman, zionist, former
president of HSI (Harvard
Students for Israel). |
Was given an IOP
(Institute of Politics) internship,
courtesy of AIPAC. The
Institute of Politics was
established in 1966 with an
endowment from the John F.
Kennedy Library Corp. ..
[it] offers a wide-ranging
program for students including
internships, Forum events and
speakers, visiting and resident
fellows, and study groups and
conferences intended to provide
opportunities for interaction
with the men and women who shape
politics and public policy. |
Trager, zionist, former
secretary for HSI (Harvard
Students for Israel). (He makes a
good fist.). Authored a book Security Fences
Make Good Neighbors for
the Harvard Israel Review.
Apparently this guy hasn't seen
the actual route of The
Iron Wall. (Theres NO WAY
'security' explains the
existence of the apartheid wall,
Eric.) He travels to the
Middle East in the summer of '04,
then comes home and writes a
scathing anti-Arab diatribe for The Justice,
a Brandeis student newspaper. This
past summer I lived a lie: to
everyone on my Summer Arabic
Program at the American
University of Beirut, I was
German-Irish, Unitarian and
returning to Israel, he said in
mid '06: "In no other
place have I experienced the bond
I have with the state and with
the people who live in it."
Tal Ben-Shahar,
Israeli born, lead courses
at Harvard on "how to
understand the Middle East
conflict, how to defend
Israel in debates, and how to
advance peace and justice in the
Middle East by spreading
civil society to a region that
needs it (!!)."
(my italics) Author
of A Clash of Values: The
Struggle For Universal Freedom.
Rachel Fish,
a Harvard Divinity School alumnus
and The David Project's Director
of Campus Strategy; launched a
successful campaign to force
Harvard to return $2.5 million
that the Zayed Center had given
to endow a chair in Islamic
studies. See Zionism in Boston.
Hillel Stavis
(of Cambridge) owned Wordsworth
bookstore in Harvard Sq, which
closed at the end of 2004 after
filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy;
now he owns Curious George in
Harvard Sq. Former WBUR
underwriter. Board
member of CAMERA, a zionist
Donna Friedman,
wife of Hillel Stavis. |
to be supplied |
Alex Koifman,
Russian; AJC
(American Jewish Committee) board
member, Boston Chapter; president
of Boston for Israel. |
Jon Haber, MA
writer and creator of the
anti-divestment zionist web site SomervilleMEjustice.com,
which is hosted by JCRC
Martin Solomon |
Kaufman |

Here he is, at left, hasseling Mazim
Christian-zionist activist / solomonia agent Mark Nystedt got
covered in the Jerusalem Post for his arrest
protesting the Episcopal Church. [We believe arrested the day the
Gaza Benefit was held there.]
They have a picture of him protesting with a
professionally printed "Bishop Shaw &
the Episcopal Church are Jew-Haters" sign.
See it here on this
page at Solomonia.
Van Zile ("vile Zile")
CAMERA's Christian Media Analyst
(what would Christ say about the vile
Want a salesman who can lie thru his teeth
and sound like a preacher? Hire Van
Zile. Check out this superior performance
at solomonia.com...
His act is so good he's probably sue-proof.
But the lies themselves are a stitch. Not your
typical zionist attack dog...


Tom Trento
- citizenwarrior Another
slick zionist
operator. "My
thinking is very
simple. A good
offense is a
great defense."
He's good;
as offensive as
they get. He'll
be in your
midst, filming;
watch for
him. His
base apparently
is in Florida,
but CAMERA will
use him
anywhere. This
is the character
behind the
anti-Arab hate
that littered
our landscape in
the lead up to
the Nov '08
election with an
obnoxious video
diatribe against
Islam. More Trento
vids. |
a page in progress
