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Direct action

At an EXCELLENT direct action camp provided by Operation OVER, i was inspired by a diagram a moderator drew to illustrate what should be the goal of every direct action - and so i decided to create this demo. [I learned so much that day; this is only one example. More resources on direct action will be provided soon.]

About DA

How to Start a Non-Hierarchical Direct Action Group

Direct action uses hands-on intervention to directly challenge hierarchies. By using spectacle to expose hypocrisies, direct action terrorizes the status quo and revitalizes public space. In the process, it builds a delicious and defiant culture of resistance. Direct action encourages people to push the boundaries of acceptable behavior in order to create new possibilities for organizing, self-determination and activism.

Why non-hierarchical organizing?
In this country we are encouraged to think that voting is a participatory act of “democratic” choice, when in reality it means that a majority controls the agenda. Non-hierarchical organizing means that everyone participates in the process. Though there may be other models for non-hierarchical organizing, we have found consensus to be the most effective.


Definition -

Direct action includes such activities as strikes, boycotts, workplace occupations, sit-ins, ... Direct actions are often (but not always) a form of civil disobedience, and may be illegal.

This method and theory is direct in that it seeks immediate remedy for perceived ills, as opposed to indirect tactics such as electing representatives who promise to provide remedy at some later date. Reformist politics (or indirect tactics) are generally acceptable to the institutions who they are directed against, because they generally change nothing, while at the same time allow most of the people who participate to blow off some steam and feel good about themselves, thinking that they have done something to bring about changes, thus allowing the offending party or institution to continue with its harmful practices without further harassment. By actually rendering the institution incapable of operating, direct action is the only thing that the offending institution will actually respond to, as it poses a real threat to its existence. As the famous anarchist Emma Goldman said "If voting changed anything, they'd make it illegal."

... Anti-globalization activists made headlines around the world in 1999, when they forced the Seattle World Trade Organization meeting to end early with NVDA tactics such as lying down in streets to block traffic. Since then, NVDA has been used by activists at many trade-related events.

One of the largest nonviolent direct actions in recent years took place in San Francisco the day after the Iraq War began in 2003. Almost 2500 people were arrested in affinity group actions throughout downtown SF, home to many military corporations.


No, Voting won't work

From, by John Spritzler

Millions of Americans welcomed the Ralph Nader 2000 electoral campaign as a breath of fresh air in the stale atmosphere of corporate-controlled parties and politicians. ... The Nader campaign demonstrated, to those of us who blame corporate power for the problems in our society, that we are not alone.

But before deciding that an electoral strategy is a solution, we need to identify what exactly is the problem.

... The majority of people, who want a more equal and cooperative and democratic world, are under attack by corporate and government leaders who dominate our society. The problem is that real democracy, in the sense of ordinary people shaping society by their values, doesn't exist—not on the job, not in our government, not in our major institutions.

...Real democracy must mean that ordinary people exercise effective power at every level of society to shape it with their shared values and shared vision. It can’t be reduced to pulling a lever every four years.

...For people to gain the confidence to take matters into their own hands requires building a mass movement with exactly this goal—a revolutionary movement. Such a movement can succeed only by becoming a vast democratic force consciously determined to create a new society in its image.

...An electoral strategy actually undercuts this real solution. Urging people to vote is the opposite of urging them to join a revolutionary movement. The idea of voting is to elect other people to make changes for us. 


Don't pay for US militarism - tools

  • War Tax Resistance: A Guide To Withholding Your Support from the Military
    War Resisters League’s 144-page comprehensive sourcebook by Ed Hedemann. Published in 2003.
    Everything you need to know about what is a war tax, philosophical questions, how to stop paying for war, consequences, resisting IRS collection, personal histories, military spending, organizing ideas, resources and support! Based on experiences of thousands of resisters.

  • Military Myths, Produced by ROOTS and Paper Tiger Television
    Military Myths is an organizing tool to educate the public on the military's aggressive recruitment of low income youth and youth of color. Featuring interviews with youth, activists and people of color who have served in military, the video gives an alternative viewpoint exposing the tactics military representatives use to engage youth - and the video exposes the reality of military service. The producers contrast media representations of war and military life with the personal experiences of veterans who have gone to war. Interviews with activists and students are also presented along with statistics from the Veterans Administration, CCCO, SLDN, and recent Pentagon studies that lay clear the myths of military life. View the trailer. Order by phone at WRL, or online at Paper Tiger.

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