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Protesting Israeli terror in the ME - July 21, 2006 Boston

currently 23 photos - credits below - also below days' recap and Boston Globe Ad

Protesting Israeli terror - July 21, 2006 Boston

photos: 1-23 PF Soto

Days recap

It was a wonderful - tho very muggy - day. On my walk down Broadway to the T-station and in the subway station, i held out  my sign (popup link) for all to see. 

Just before the Marriott, I passed a group of what looked to be hard hats (without the hats); one of the guys called out "let us see!" So i turned towards them to let them read my sign (wondering if i'd be pelted with food, insults...). But they gave me the thumbs up and nodded enthusiastically. I'm beginning to think (or hope) that many more than i thought are 'onto' media and government lies. No one stopped me to talk, but i got lots of nods and thumbs up. 

In the subway and on the T, many stopped to read my sign. A wonderful young African- American fellow stopped to talk and thanked me for what i was doing. Turned out he was here from Georgia, studying economics at BU; I told him about John Perkins, whose book he hadn't heard of. We had a great discussion (that others were listening in to:-). Great kid; already tuned in to many of the abominations that are going on. Another fellow was delighted to have someone to talk to, to express his outrage. He told me that his car was constantly ticketed now, ever since he became actively involved in anti-war activities.  

This remark from a speaker was a welcome breath of fresh air for me; it ought to hold off the zionists in the P&J Industry who try their damnest to deflect attention off Israeli atrocities by trying to get the focus on groups like Hizballah or Hamas; paraphrasing: "if the Arab world will not stand up for those being relentlessly attacked, then anyone who does has legitimacy." 

~PF soto


We had a great protest!! and so many Muslims thanked us for our signs. There were many Palestinian flags and the anti-zionist Rabbi from NKUSA received very loud applause from the crowd when he said that Israel had no right to exist. We also confronted a few JCRC trouble makers. I think the majority of Muslims at the protest were anti-zionists. At the 7/19 Wed. Lebanese protest we got positive response from Palestinians and Lebanese. The organizers are out of touch with the Muslim community and they should not be scared of offending the liberal zionists. The President of Lebanon said the Lebanese Army will join with Hizbollah to fight the Israeli invaders. He also said the Lebanese people are united and will never again allow Israel to occupy Lebanon.

~Dave Cutler


MA POLs take out Ad in Boston Globe to show support for Israeli terror

Unbelievable. First of all because of the lies they so willingly sign on to, then for their arrogance: here's sticking it to YOU America, with YOUR tax billions! 

We are developing this page, to identify who these signatories are, who they are beholden to, what they stand or hope to gain, and everything we can tell you about them so that you will understand likely agendas. And exactly why nothing less than a revolution will bring us democracy. Vote everyday - with your conscience, you dollars and with your activities; forget about November Follies.

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